Category Archives: The Homestead

Images taken of my living space.

Weekend smoke and mirrors

Every Photoshop geek knows this, but for those who don’t–sometimes a tiny bit of tweaking can change the “mood” of an image. This is a late afternoon shot of the old walnut tree in my back yard as the camera captured it:

Old walnut tree

Here’s the same frame rendered in black and white:

Old walnut tree black and white

And this one is the B&W version with a warming “film” filter applied:

Old walnut tree filtered

I like #3 the best, but I’m a sucker for that particular color combination.

Canon G11 supplying the pixels.

Micro macro

Since it’s my day off, and a long weekend (no commute–hooray!), I’m weaving in some older photos. Several weeks ago a tiny mushroom sprouted in one of the potted plants we have in our house. I figured I’d see how macro the macro function of the G11 with a fixed lens could go.

Here’s the mushroom:

Mushroom home

And here’s the perspective shot:

Mushroom home

Canon G11 in the microcosmos.


Today’s commute sucked. Friday. End of summer for schoolers. Everyone trying to get out of Dodge for their last hoorah. All I wanted to do was get home. No stops, just on a mission. But, there’s always the patio, a cold beer, and the garden!

The G11 is a point and shoot camera with really good depth of field (and excellent macro). Unfortunately, it doesn’t do good bokeh. This first shot is straight out of camera background blur (ISO 100, f/2.8):

Sunflower 1

For this next sunflower shot I used Photoshop to separate the flower into its own layer and then added Gaussian blur to the background.

Sunflower 1

Canon G11 headed towards the weekend.