I’m a big fan of the Hipstamatic camera app for the iPhone. The app has quite a few film/lens “paks” to choose from, but “Ina’s 69” film and the “John S” lens are my defaults. This combination produces relatively clean images with wildly different colorizing depending on the quality of light. Here are three shots I took during our recent trip to Seattle/Vancouver, and except for desaturating the brownish borders (Ina’s needs a border update), resizing for the blog and adding touch of sharpening, the images are straight from my Hipstamiticized, iPhone 4 camera roll.
At the Oakland airport in a plane at the gate trough a rain-splashed window before take-off.

Fruit stand workers at Pike Place Market in Seattle.

Skip waiting patiently for his friend to finish lunch at a cafe in Seattle. (I call him “Skip” because that’s what it says on the road.)

iPhone out and about.