Category Archives: The Homestead

Images taken of my living space.

Job’s tears revisited

Early this year I posted a couple of close-up images of the well winterized Job’s Tears plants we had growing in the yard. This year’s plants were especially nice, and catching them before the winter rains set in makes for cleaner looking seed pods and dry leaves. The pods are commonly used as beads.

Job's Tears close-up

Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II. 1/80 second at f/2.8, ISO 100.

Canon T2i working the Nifty Fifty.

Faux fun

Maggie recently scored a sweet, faux fur/suede jacket off eBay. She had cleaned it today and had it hanging on the clothesline to air out. Since the sun had already passed over the horizon by the time I got home, I put the “Nifty Fifty” on my camera, set it to f/1.8, and took some shots–faux fun.

The profile.

Faux fur and suede jacket hanging out to dry

The abstract.

Faux fur and suede jacket abstract

Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II.
Both shots: 1/50 second at f/1.8, ISO 400.

Canon T2i hanging with the laundry.

Marigold mania

Sometime you have to make it up as you go. Today was long, work was work, the commute was OK, but the light was drab… Who wants to take photographs in less than ideal conditions? I sometimes do, and today I did–at the homestead. But, I massively photo-manipulated the image of choice in order to make it more interesting. Why not?!? And yes, if you follow my blog, the tagetes lemmonii is, as is evidenced by this image, still blooming big time in December.

Marigold mania

Canon G11 providing the pixels.