We were in fact physically on a train for 10000+ miles during our jaunt across Canada. Here are a few shots of the accommodations, etc., on Via Rail’s Canadian between Vancouver and Toronto.
Mags in the lounge car (the “caboose” on the Canadian). We spent many hours hanging out here chatting with fellow travelers, playing music, imbibing, watching the world go by…

Next to the stairs up to the observation dome (180 degrees from the first shot in this series) are the time zone clocks. Canada has a lot of time zones and the train crosses all of them except for the odd duck, Newfoundland (clock on the top) which is 1/2 hour later than Atlantic time. 1/2 hour??

Here’s a view of the dome car (must have been the morning because it was almost always full during the afternoon).

Eating was a pleasure on the Canadian! I’m talking fabulous food and great service! (All included in the ticket price.)

Traipsing up and back on the train means navigating these hallways in a kind of go with the flow way. That’s the door to the shower at the end (the hallway continues on with a quick right then left turn)–the “F” cabins are just this side of the shower.

The bunks in cabin “F”. If you ride the Canadian, get your tickets early and reserve cabin “F”–each sleeper car has one and it’s the biggest double.

And the bunks were quite cozy.

Canon G11 riding the train.