All posts by Gary Wium

Besides being a photographer, I'm also the guitarist with the rowdy folk fusion group, The Mad Maggies. I was programmer/web developer for Communication Arts magazine for 15 years before going rogue. I moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to Montréal, Québec in 2013. In 2023, I relocated to Penticton, BC -- better weather.

Between storms

We’ve been getting hammered with rain here in the Bay Area–and, for the record, it’s quite late for such heavy deluges. But, being that it’s Spring, when it clears the big cloud views can be quite nice. This afternoon was no exception. This view is just up the road from my house.

Sun and clouds in Spring

Lens: 15-85mm at 15mm. 1/400 second at f/16, ISO 200.

Canon T2i working between the storms.

Pigeons on the roof

Here’s another shot from yesterday’s commute stop. I like the mixed textures of the galvanized metal barn, the ground and the passing storm clouds in the frame–but, oddly enough, it’s the pigeons just doing what pigeons do that makes the shot for me.

Barn with pigeons after a storm

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm at 61mm. 1/200 second at f/16, ISO 200.
Black and white conversion: Nik Silver Efex Pro (version 1).

Canon T2i admiring the pigeon-ness of the pigeon.

On the vernal equinox

We got some heavy rain here in the Bay Area over the weekend. Today, fortunately, I had a fairly dry commute home. Towards the end of my long drive I stopped and grabbed this shot of the tail end of the storm as it passed over Sonoma County. The body of water is not a lake, but a large vernal pool swollen by the rain.

Large vernal pool

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm at 59mm. 1/200 second at f/16, ISO 200.

Canon T2i on the first day of Spring.

Iron and driftwood

Here’s a little rainy day photo play. For phun (photography + fun), I set the G11 on macro and snapped some close-ups of the iron and driftwood piece on our patio. I converted the image to black and white because the idea was about contrast and texture. This shot was the fave.

Iron and driftwood

G11 settings: 15.7mm, f/3.5 for 1/15 second, ISO 100.
Black and white conversion: Nik Silver Efex Pro (version 1).

Canon G11 playing with contrast.