All posts by Gary Wium

Besides being a photographer, I'm also the guitarist with the rowdy folk fusion group, The Mad Maggies. I was programmer/web developer for Communication Arts magazine for 15 years before going rogue. I moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to Montréal, Québec in 2013. In 2023, I relocated to Penticton, BC -- better weather.

Plugged in

Here’s a close-up of something I see several times every day when I’m home and standing in front of the toilet–every day when I’m shaving or brushing my teeth. Sharply focused and free of graininess it looks completely mundane, because it is. So I gave the close-up an artsy, filmic feel. Why not?

Plug and night light

“I learn by going where I have to go…” –Roethke

Canon G11 learning where to go.

Stones for Alice

In September 2009 our beloved cat, Alice, passed away. She was fortunate to have lived at least nine lives having made it to the ripe old age of 24 1/2. Alice was with us since she was a wee kitten so for nearly a quarter of a century she graced us with her ever sweet and sociable presence. These are the stones that mark the spot where we buried her in the back yard.

Stones for Alice

I blended in a black and white layer (Nik Silver Efex) and overlayed the merged layers with the original, unaltered layer using the “color” menu selection in the layer palette.

Lens: Canon EF 70-300mm IS USM at 300mm. 1/80 second at f/5.6. Tripod.

Canon T2i remembering Alice.

Open at night

This is the front entrance to the local Catholic church. I’m not the religious type, but I can appreciate the architecture–and in this case, the available light. The outside light is from street lamps and the inside is from tungsten sources (I think). No Photoshop tricks here, just a straight black and white conversion and a bit of cropping on the sides.

Church entrance doors at night

Lens: Canon EFS 15-85mm at 28mm. ISO 800 (it was almost totally dark out and the 15-85 is a slow lens), f/5.0, 1/4 sec (handheld and not breathing 😉 ). Black and white conversion: Nik Silver Efex.

Canon T2i peering in at night.