I started this blog on August 8, 2010. My original plan was to post a daily photo grabbed at random locations during 15 minute or less stops on my long commute to and from work. “Out and About” and “Homestead” shots soon crept into the mix, but I did manage to consistently capture and post a LOT of “run and gun” commute photos–and out of those a fair amount were of the Golden Gate Bridge. Today’s bridge shot was taken from the lookout at the north end of the span. Because it’s summer there were hundreds of busy, boisterous, photo-happy tourists taking in the views. Not being a fan of crowds, I did a very quick “run and gun” shoot. Five minutes later I was in my car and back on the road.

Lens: Canon EF-S 15 – 85mm at 85mm. 1/100 second at f/11, ISO 200.
Black and white conversion: Nik Silver Efex Pro (version 1).
Canon T2i celebrating a familiar icon from a well worn path.