Category Archives: Commute

Shots from my daily commute.

A gang of angles

It’s approaching the one year mark for my blog and my T2i. I’m not obsessed with anniversaries, but, for fun, I thought I’d post a shot taken today of another angle on the G11 images I showed in my very first post back in August 2010.

Petaluma Bridge

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm at 26mm. 1/160 second at F/11, ISO 200.
(Why so many f/11 shots? Because most of my commute shots are taken during the afternoon when the sun is high and bright–and, as every photographer worth their salt should know, f/11 is much sweeter than f/16 after 3:00 PM. ;^)

Canon T2i nearing one revolution around the sun.

In a foggy mood

The Bay Area was clear and warm most everywhere this afternoon except at the mouth of the Golden Gate. Because of the thick, low hanging fog, I figured there would be some moody shots to be had. First I drove through the Presidio on the south side of the bridge, but came up short because the fog was already pushing hard up the cliffs. On the north side the Fort Baker views were much better. The fog was curling nicely around the tower so for this shot I metered in favor of the sky.

Foggy bridge view from Ft Baker

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm at 55mm. 1/640 at f/11, ISO 200.

Canon T2i going with the mood.