Category Archives: The Homestead

Images taken of my living space.

Mags up close

I bought my T2i in August 2010. It was a birthday gift to myself because, well, I’d been working my ass off so for a bonus I splurged on a new creative tool. Cheap thrill considering I didn’t go for a 7D or, better, a 5D. I did, however, get the EFS 15-85mm lens instead of a standard kit lens. Anyway, one day, early on in my relationship with the T2i, I was running around the house snapping images of this and that. Fortunately, Maggie was a willing subject. The “ghosting” in this image was non-existent in the other shots I took of her. The soft, ethereal quality is what appeals to me.

Maggie on 8/25/2010

Lens: EFS 15-85mm at 85mm. 1/40 second at f/5.6, ISO 200.

Canon T2i at the beginning.

Psychedelicized aloe bloom

I’m a relative newbie to digital photography so I spend a fair amount of time checking out other people’s stuff and reading photography blogs. There’s lots of great information to be had, but one thing that bugs me is all the silly bickering about the post processing of images. If I look at a digital photo I’ve taken and think it might look more interesting tweaked, I’m going to tweak it. If I like the result I’ll post it. I liked the way this one turned out.

Aloe bloom psychedelicized

Canon G11 on ‘shrooms.

Aloe saponaria

We have a patch of cool looking African aloe on the edge of the driveway next to our house. It’s a super sturdy and very prickly aloe–not something little kids should play near. In May it shoots up 2′ to 3′ tall spikes with multiflowered, salmon colored heads. Here’s a close-up of a recently opened bloom.

African aloe bloom

Lens: Canon EFS 15-85mm at 50mm. f/5.0 for 1/250 sec, ISO 200.

Canon T2i recording the homestead species.