Category Archives: The Homestead

Images taken of my living space.

The high life

On warm(ish), lazy weekend afternoons we like to sit out on the patio and have Micheladas (aka cerveza preparada). There are all kinds of different recipes for the drink, but we prefer vegetable (like an organic V8) to straight tomato juice. And no Worcestershire sauce for me. Miller High Life is our beer of choice because the Michelada tastes best when made with a light lager–snappy ales and dark beers are better straight up.

Micheladas on the patio

Canon G11 enjoying the high life.

Sunday laundry

Two personal things: I do my own laundry and we don’t have a dryer. When the dryer finally wore out several years back we decided to make do without. We got some solar dryers (aka, a clothes line and a wood rack) and never looked back. When it’s raining, we rack dry in the house. The rest of the time it’s solar all the way. And, what can I say, I like doing my own laundry. Here’s a shot of the last load of the day just before I brought it in.

Sunday laundry

Canon G11 before taking it in.

Step on a crack

Saturday, after a band rehearsal, we chilled on the patio enjoying a couple of beers. I had my G11 handy and snapped all kinds of quirky, close-up shots. The fun of this kind of shooting is that occasionally something reveals itself. This simple image (plus my usual Photoshop/Nik Silver Efex techniques) worked for me.

Step on a crack

Canon G11 staying off the cracks.