Category Archives: The Homestead

Images taken of my living space.

Blue globes in Fall

It’s my Friday off so I spent a few minutes this morning with my iPhone 4 figuring out how to get the Hipstamatic app to record in high resolution. The low rez shots are cool for quicky snap sharing, but for archiving and blog posts 1936×1936 is the way to go. I posted the first blue globe image a couple of weeks ago–it was shot in low rez using a wacky Hipstamatic “film” selection. This one was shot in high rez with the app set to a much tamer “film” selection.

Blue globes with Fall leaves

BTW, the blue globes are solar powered night lights for the patio.

iPhone phoning home.

Orton abstract

Today while I was downloading IOS5 for my iPhone (took forever!), I went out in the yard to practice the Orton “movement technique.” I learned about the technique–carefully and deliberately moving the camera while the shutter is open–after listening to Michael Orton on the current blog podcast. This image of the underside of our rosebushes is a first attempt and was the 14th shot (out of 20) I took during the shoot. It’s definitely tricky to get a good image.

Orton abstract photo play

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm at 38mm. 4 seconds at f/5.6, ISO 200.

Canon T2i moving and shaking.