I like abstraction. Sometimes an image of something with a clear meaning can be made abstract by the framing. Abstracting the color adds to the effect.
Canon G11 askew to the way out.
The weekend and holiday shots.
I like abstraction. Sometimes an image of something with a clear meaning can be made abstract by the framing. Abstracting the color adds to the effect.
Canon G11 askew to the way out.
We played a bar gig in San Francisco last night. Just before going on stage, I was wandering around with camera in hand looking for shots when I saw this guy through a window. I had the camera in manual mode so I could get fussy with the quirky light levels in the bar. Fortunately, he was talking on his cell phone so I had time to dial in a good exposure before he moved on. And because I was shooting through a window the camera picked up some of the neon reflected off the bar and placed it neatly on the overpass.
Settings: f/3.2, 8.9mm (41mm equivalent), ISO 800, 1/10 second. Handheld.
Canon G11 staying up late.
Just a short hop from the homestead there’s a walking trail with a nice view of Petaluma with Sonoma Mountain in the background. I’ve being looking at this view for a lot of years.
Here’s a 15mm, wide angle view.
And fully zoomed in at 85mm.
Lens: Canon EFS 15-85mm.
Canon T2i overlooking the hometown.
I play in a band so I spend a fair amount of time at local venues. Occasionally, I have time to pull out my camera and grab a few shots. This one is of my musician friend Renee’s ear–and pink hair. Though I haven’t used it much, I love the bokeh this lens makes.
Lens: Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM.
Canon T2i at a gig.
This is the front entrance to the local Catholic church. I’m not the religious type, but I can appreciate the architecture–and in this case, the available light. The outside light is from street lamps and the inside is from tungsten sources (I think). No Photoshop tricks here, just a straight black and white conversion and a bit of cropping on the sides.
Lens: Canon EFS 15-85mm at 28mm. ISO 800 (it was almost totally dark out and the 15-85 is a slow lens), f/5.0, 1/4 sec (handheld and not breathing đ ). Black and white conversion: Nik Silver Efex.
Canon T2i peering in at night.