So I got the 5D Mark III, which necessitated updating my computer’s system so I could run software that could read the camera RAW files… ALL WORTH IT! WOW! What a revelation!! “L” glass with the new 5D is nothing less than the SHITE! Here’s some blooming flora from the yard. I did minimal processing on these images, and the first (the aloe bloom) is pretty much straight from the camera.
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L. All at ISO 200.
1st image: lens at 105mm, 1/5000 second at f/4.
2nd image: lens at 105mm, 1/500 second at f/6.3.
3rd image: lens at 105mm, 1/100 second at f/6.3.
(Interesting that I chose images only from the long end of the zoom range.)
Canon 5DM3 making my day.