Category Archives: Photos

The whole shootin’ match.

Wrapped silage

No, it’s not a small installation by Christo, but plastic wrapped food for livestock ;^). Wrapped silage is not a usual sight here in the county, but because of the unusually wet weather we had in late June it kind of makes sense. I grabbed the scene during my mind mellowing drive through the hills a few days back. It was nice of the farmer to arrange the bales in such an aesthetically pleasing way.

Wrapped silage in Sonoma County field

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm at 61mm. 1/60 second at f/11, ISO 200.

Canon T2i making sense of the scene.

In a foggy mood

The Bay Area was clear and warm most everywhere this afternoon except at the mouth of the Golden Gate. Because of the thick, low hanging fog, I figured there would be some moody shots to be had. First I drove through the Presidio on the south side of the bridge, but came up short because the fog was already pushing hard up the cliffs. On the north side the Fort Baker views were much better. The fog was curling nicely around the tower so for this shot I metered in favor of the sky.

Foggy bridge view from Ft Baker

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm at 55mm. 1/640 at f/11, ISO 200.

Canon T2i going with the mood.