September dryness

Approaching mid September in Sonoma County, California. No clouds (other than fog), and no rain for months. The California Live Oak thrives during these long, dry summers. They are everywhere along the last 15 miles of my commute home. I tend to take them for granted, but when there’s nothing else presenting itself along the way, they’re almost always worth taking the time for a few shots.

Oaks and hills

Canon G11 in the fields of the oak.

Backyard impressionism

We’re having a lazy weekend–no driving, no have tos. After cleaning up the patio, Maggie did some watering and I thought, “Chasing Reflections.” Here are two shots of reflections off the wet concrete I liked enough to post.

Petaluma Bridge

Petaluma Bridge

Both shots are straight from the camera (I did boost the contrast a tiny bit on the top image, and both got the usual “Smart Sharpen” of 50% at 0.4 pixels). Other than that, no Photoshop trickery applied.

Canon G11 chasing reflections.