Backyard impressionism

We’re having a lazy weekend–no driving, no have tos. After cleaning up the patio, Maggie did some watering and I thought, “Chasing Reflections.” Here are two shots of reflections off the wet concrete I liked enough to post.

Petaluma Bridge

Petaluma Bridge

Both shots are straight from the camera (I did boost the contrast a tiny bit on the top image, and both got the usual “Smart Sharpen” of 50% at 0.4 pixels). Other than that, no Photoshop trickery applied.

Canon G11 chasing reflections.

Weekend smoke and mirrors

Every Photoshop geek knows this, but for those who don’t–sometimes a tiny bit of tweaking can change the “mood” of an image. This is a late afternoon shot of the old walnut tree in my back yard as the camera captured it:

Old walnut tree

Here’s the same frame rendered in black and white:

Old walnut tree black and white

And this one is the B&W version with a warming “film” filter applied:

Old walnut tree filtered

I like #3 the best, but I’m a sucker for that particular color combination.

Canon G11 supplying the pixels.


Today was the first day with clouds since late May–literally. There’s been LOTS of fog, but no billowy, cumulous beauty to add a little interest to the skies. So I shot scenes with clouds. This is a tidal pond on the east side of Bayfront Park, just across the road from where I work.

Tidal pond

The ubiquitous Canadian geese seemed to be enjoying the clouds too–I saw five or six of these gaggles during the 10 minutes I spent in the park grabbing shots.

Tidal pond with geese

Canon G11 getting down with the clouds.

Not just off the ferry

Today during the commute home I pulled off on Sir Francis Drake Blvd and ran into Sir Francis Drake. Apparently the statue has been there since 1990, but this was the first time I noticed it. Cameras force one to look!

Sir Francis Drake on the bay

Basically a body turn westward and there’s Mt Tamalpais, and closer, the Larkspur Ferry terminal (if only the ferry went close to my work).

Mt Tamalpais and Larkspur Ferry terminal

Canon G11 on the lookout.