Today’s commute photos are definitely “run and gun”! It’s a HOT day, the sunlight is HOT, and I’m in a “No Parking” turnout exercising a concept. I couldn’t get right up to the edge of the tunnel in broad daylight, so I settled for a position back at the edge of the turnout where I was sequestered by a large bush. Anyway, this is the Rainbow Tunnel going north up the Waldo Grade just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. The exposures are hot because of the intense light, but to get these I turned on the G11s built in 3 stop Neutral Density filter and set the aperture to it’s max (f/8.0) with ISO 200.
This one is a 1/4 second exposure:

And this one is a 1 second exposure:

And like I said:

Canon G11 running and gunning.