Woman on my desktop

Here’s a frame of my home desk to the left of my monitor. That’s my wife, Maggie, in the photos. The bigger image was part of the 2011 Accordion Babes calendar. The beer bottles are all from the local Lagunitas Brewery–I like their occasional “theme” labels, and I love their beer.

Pics of Mags and beer bottles

Lens: Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM. 1/10 second at f/2.8, ISO 100.

Canon T2i on the desktop.

Overhead abstract

One of the best features of the Canon G11 is its articulating LCD screen. Here’s an overhead shot of our patio table I took this afternoon. With the camera held at arm’s length directly over the center of the table, the articulating screen made it easy to line up the elements. Capturing the symmetry of this frame by hand with a fixed screen DSLR would have been a crap shoot at best.

Patio table abstract

Canon G11 reaching for symmetry.

Garden fish

Early this afternoon, I spotted this very rare garden fish just outside our bedroom’s sliding glass door. Fortunately, I had my T2i with the Nifty Fifty mounted and ready as there was precious little time to get a good shot before it swam off. Guess I got lucky.

Garden fish close-up

Lens: Canon EF 50 1.8 II (aka, the “Nifty Fifty”). 1/30 second at f/2.8, ISO 100.

Canon T2i at the ready.

On the well worn path

Yesterday I wrote, “Maybe it’s time to look beyond the well worn path for inspiration.” Instead of taking my own advice, I looked right at the path. I do NOT recommend the practice of taking photos while driving, but today I did just that–cautiously and carefully, with my iPhone and the Hipstamatic app.

Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge.

Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge

Approaching the Waldo Tunnel.

Approaching the Waldo Tunnel

Inside the Waldo Tunnel.

Inside the Waldo Tunnel

IPhone/Hipstamatic on the commute path.