Calm before a storm

After nearly seven weeks of unseasonably warm and dry weather, rain is finally coming to Northern California. During my brief stop by edge of the San Francisco Bay at Horseshoe Cove late this afternoon, except for the tell-tale stratus clouds, that a storm is brewing wasn’t all that obvious.

Golden Gate Bridge in silhouette

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm at 17mm. 1/320 second at f/8, ISO 100.

Canon T21 ahead of the rain.

Complaining about the weather

OK, so I’m complaining about the weather–again. It’s January and it’s warm and there’s been no wind or clouds or rain for weeks. The hills in the Bay Area should be green by now and the skies sparkling, but…. This is what most of the days over the past month have looked like at the Golden Gate–minus the fog!

Winter smog over the Golden Gate

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm at 63mm. 1/160 second at f/11, ISO 100.

Canon T2i showing it as it is.