Tag Archives: Canon G11

It’s all subjective

While relaxing on the patio yesterday afternoon, I saw this half spent salsify (has a seed cluster like a giant dandelion) and thought “time to pull out the G11.” I took a least twenty shots of it–everything from fuzzy, hairy, swirly macros to underneath close-ups aiming into the bright sky shots (the G11’s articulating screen rocks for close-ups!). I picked this shot out of the batch. Why? Because for some reason it works for my aesthetic sensibility–aka, it’s all subjective.

Salsify from underneath

Canon G11 looking over, under, sideways, down.

Psychedelicized aloe bloom

I’m a relative newbie to digital photography so I spend a fair amount of time checking out other people’s stuff and reading photography blogs. There’s lots of great information to be had, but one thing that bugs me is all the silly bickering about the post processing of images. If I look at a digital photo I’ve taken and think it might look more interesting tweaked, I’m going to tweak it. If I like the result I’ll post it. I liked the way this one turned out.

Aloe bloom psychedelicized

Canon G11 on ‘shrooms.