All posts by Gary Wium

Besides being a photographer, I'm also the guitarist with the rowdy folk fusion group, The Mad Maggies. I was programmer/web developer for Communication Arts magazine for 15 years before going rogue. I moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to Montréal, Québec in 2013. In 2023, I relocated to Penticton, BC -- better weather.

The high life

On warm(ish), lazy weekend afternoons we like to sit out on the patio and have Micheladas (aka cerveza preparada). There are all kinds of different recipes for the drink, but we prefer vegetable (like an organic V8) to straight tomato juice. And no Worcestershire sauce for me. Miller High Life is our beer of choice because the Michelada tastes best when made with a light lager–snappy ales and dark beers are better straight up.

Micheladas on the patio

Canon G11 enjoying the high life.

Can’t always say why

I’ve said it several times before, but stopping for a few minutes during the hectic commute and hoping to get a good photo is a crap shoot. Today, I rolled the dice and came up with an image I really have no explanation for why I like it. But like it I do. No doubt, the splash of “burgundy” (or however that color reads on your monitor) is what initially caught my eye–there was nothing else that color in the whole panorama. Hmm? I guess I said why.

Steep shallow ravine

Lens: canon EF-S 15-85mm at 70mm. 1/80 second at f/16, ISO 200, WB “cloudy.”

Canon T2i rolling the dice.

Sunday laundry

Two personal things: I do my own laundry and we don’t have a dryer. When the dryer finally wore out several years back we decided to make do without. We got some solar dryers (aka, a clothes line and a wood rack) and never looked back. When it’s raining, we rack dry in the house. The rest of the time it’s solar all the way. And, what can I say, I like doing my own laundry. Here’s a shot of the last load of the day just before I brought it in.

Sunday laundry

Canon G11 before taking it in.