Category Archives: Photos

The whole shootin’ match.


Today’s commute sucked. Friday. End of summer for schoolers. Everyone trying to get out of Dodge for their last hoorah. All I wanted to do was get home. No stops, just on a mission. But, there’s always the patio, a cold beer, and the garden!

The G11 is a point and shoot camera with really good depth of field (and excellent macro). Unfortunately, it doesn’t do good bokeh. This first shot is straight out of camera background blur (ISO 100, f/2.8):

Sunflower 1

For this next sunflower shot I used Photoshop to separate the flower into its own layer and then added Gaussian blur to the background.

Sunflower 1

Canon G11 headed towards the weekend.

Looking up

I didn’t have much luck today with the commute shots. I did, however, get a helicopter shot which I think is a perfect pairing with a zeppelin shot I got earlier this month–and no, I don’t sell insurance ;-). Both of these are spur of the moment grabs and exactly as the camera recorded them. The corner elements just happened to work out.

Helicopter in flight

Zeppelin in flight

Canon G11 looking up.

Old pump house

Across the expressway from where I work there’s a park surrounded by salt ponds. This is the front side of an old, decaying pump house that’s situated near the entrance to the park. The wooden deck that leads up to the door is fairly rotten so it’s cordoned off. I took several shots of the structure, but liked this partial view:

Green on red

Swallows nests in the eaves on the backside (interesting how differently the blue of the sky rendered looking straight up–no polarizer today):

Green on red

Canon G11 on the road.