Category Archives: Out and About

The weekend and holiday shots.

Fish on ice

The blog was down for half a day yesterday because of some unknown ISP glitch. I also had a band rehearsal–no time for taking photos, but I had a lot of fun making music. Today, I rolled back into the work/commute grind and didn’t feel particularly inspired to stop along the route. So… for today’s post, here are a couple of iPhone/Hipstamatic shots I took of the Pike Place Fish Market at the Pike Place Market in Seattle the day before Thanksgiving.

Fish on ice at Pike Place Market in Seattle

Fish on ice perspective at Pike Place Market in Seattle

iPhone/Hipstamatic keeping it fresh.

Mags in the mirror

Continuing with the Vancouver/Seattle trip photos… I took this shot of Maggie’s reflection in our hotel room mirror with my iPhone at about 5:00 AM, just before heading out to catch a morning train back to Seattle. I had a feeling the Hipstamatic app would make an interesting image because it gets very painterly under certain light conditions. Fortunately, Maggie, who’s not naturally a “morning person,” was a willing model.

Mags in the mirror

iPhone/Hipstamatic light painting.

On Vancouver Harbour

Portside Park, on the northwest side of Gastown, was a short walk from the hotel we stayed at last week in Vancouver, BC. It’s a small shoreline park with some very nice harbour views.

Looking towards the city.

City view on the harbour

A view of harbour industry.

Harbour view on the harbour

Lens: Canon EF-S 15-85mm.
First shot: 50mm, 1/125 second at f/11. ISO 200.
Second shot: 24mm, 1/60 second at f/11. ISO 200.

Canon T2i at port side.

Seemingly random series

I’m a big fan of the Hipstamatic camera app for the iPhone. The app has quite a few film/lens “paks” to choose from, but “Ina’s 69” film and the “John S” lens are my defaults. This combination produces relatively clean images with wildly different colorizing depending on the quality of light. Here are three shots I took during our recent trip to Seattle/Vancouver, and except for desaturating the brownish borders (Ina’s needs a border update), resizing for the blog and adding touch of sharpening, the images are straight from my Hipstamiticized, iPhone 4 camera roll.

At the Oakland airport in a plane at the gate trough a rain-splashed window before take-off.

Through a rain splashed plane window before leaving the gate

Fruit stand workers at Pike Place Market in Seattle.

Pike Place Market fruit girls

Skip waiting patiently for his friend to finish lunch at a cafe in Seattle. (I call him “Skip” because that’s what it says on the road.)

Skip the street dog

iPhone out and about.