
Some days the commute doesn’t reveal anything worth shooting. Today was one of those days. When I got home I figured I could get a shot of something. What I got needed tweaking to make them more “interesting.” I chose two and finessed them in Photoshop.

Hammock rays

Light streaks on concrete

The top image is one end of our hammock; the other is sun streaks on concrete.

Large files and high resolution open up a lot of possibilities for tweaking.

Canon G11.

Ocean Beach

Today’s commute photo: This scene perfectly suits my mood. I took the beach route for the last leg of the city section of my commute home. This is how Ocean Beach has looked for the past month. But hey, it’s summertime in San Francisco!

Ocean Beach

Because my commute photos are “run and gun” I don’t have time for filters or a tripod. For steadiness I sat the G11 on the wall that runs along the promenade. Once I had the shot on my computer, I used Photoshop’s “Shadow/Highlight” image adjustment feature to simulate a neutral density grad effect and darken the bright, foggy sky.

Canon G11, and the incessant summer fog of the coastal Bay Area.